Les dejamos el video y la letra (en inglés) del
Himno del 50 Congreso Eucarístico Internacional,
que se está realizando del 10 al 17 de junio en Dublin, Irlanda.
Though We Are Many - (Bernard Sexton)
Though we are many, we are one body,
we who come to share this living bread;
Cup of salvation, shared among all nations,
nourishing us now and evermore.
we who come to share this living bread;
Cup of salvation, shared among all nations,
nourishing us now and evermore.
1. We gather in this place
round the table of the Lord.
Christ's presence is revealed
in our communion and his Living Word.
round the table of the Lord.
Christ's presence is revealed
in our communion and his Living Word.
2. Now our communion recalls
Christ's death and resurrection.
This living sacrifice
is our salvation now and evermore.
Christ's death and resurrection.
This living sacrifice
is our salvation now and evermore.
3. And through this shared Eucharist
we are the living Church.
We witness to Christ's love
His living body active in our world.
we are the living Church.
We witness to Christ's love
His living body active in our world.
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