jueves, 12 de julio de 2012

Comunicado de la Iglesia de San Francisco Xavier en NY sobre Katie Holmes. Texto en Inglés.


Various media sources have recently reported that Katie Holmes has become a member of the Church of St. Francis Xavier.  While we cannot comment on Ms. Holmes in particular, St. Francis Xavier is a church that strives to carry out the mission of the Gospels by creating a safe, warm, welcoming, and friendly environment for people from all walks of life to practice their Catholic faith.  We have a vibrant, parishioner-driven community in which the Sacraments are celebrated with joyful reverence, along with an active outreach ministry to those in need. Our Xavier Mission’s five programs include a weekly Welcome Table that serves 1000+ meals, a nightly men’s shelter, a monthly food pantry, a weekly clothing room, and the Life-Skills Training & Empowerment Program for those who seek a way out of homelessness and the shelter system.  In 2010 we completed an award-winning $13 million renovation and restoration of our Church without diverting a single penny from Xavier Mission.  A feature-length documentary on this colossal project and the 165-year old Jesuit community will premier in late November.  Those who attend St. Francis Xavier call this their “spiritual home” where all are welcome.

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